Tuesday, May 29, 2007

巴生中路卫星市红绿灯入口对面新店屋的肉骨茶早餐 Klang Meru Hajisirat T Junction Opposit de Shop Lots de Bakuteh Breakfast

我要吃鲨鱼肉了... i'm going to eat shark meat liao...
香炸豆腐球 deep fried toufu ball
巴生湿湿黏黏肉骨茶 klang famous wet sticky bakuteh...
近年创出的巴生干肉骨茶 new klang dried bakuteh...
辣椒仔切幼 tiny chilli cut in small size...
蒜米切幼 garlic cut in tiny size...

我要吃半肥瘦肉咯... i going to eat half fat meat liao...
所需要的配浆 the sos that needed...to eat bakuteh
我要吃香喷喷的招牌炸豆腐了... i'm going to eat the Shop Recomanded Fried Toufu liao...
炸鲨鱼肉 此店最出名的配菜... fried Sharks Meat the shop famous side dishes...

我六月买的玩具...the toys i bought on June...

我和姜饼人 me&ginger man
姜饼人 (会发出烦人的声音) ginger man (can make noisy sound)
波斯猫 (一样会出声) pussy cat (got sound also)
加菲猫 和 黄胶鸭 厕所卫生纸架 garfield & yellow rubber duck toilet roll holder...

凯纹扮鬼扮马... keven acting for fun...

啊...!我今早忘了吃椰浆饭... arr... i forget to take my nasi lemak this morning...
呜...!今天的椰浆饭的苏东硬硬的... mummm...the sotong in today nasi lemak hard-hard de...
嘻...!今早的椰浆饭的苏东煮得又软又多汁... yummy...today's sotong is well cook & juisy...
哇!煎蛋也煎到 外面焦焦,咬下去里面的蛋黄还可以一涌而出... wow...! the fried egg also out side is crunchy but when bite the egg yoke all pouring out...yummy...
我是供奉给神明的 "牲礼"... i am the Praying Goods for God...
为什么你这样对我?why you treat me like that...

阿林大师兄的云石蛋糕 Ah Lim treat de Marble Cake

啊...我要吃了... arrr...i going to eat liao...
超好吃的云石蛋糕...一"吃"不可收拾... delicious marble cake... once you bite... you cant stop...
第二块了... second piece...
进入第三块 entering the third piece...
有点饱了...但是那么好吃...还是要吃下第四块... a bit full...but so delicious...must eat also the 4th piece...

包租婆请吃猪肠粉 madam joo chee cheong fun (a chinese roll cake)treat

啊...甜甜猪肠粉 arr...sweet-sweet chee cheong fun...
安邦大街巴刹猪肠粉 Ampang Main Road Market Chee Cheong Fun
我和一块可爱猪肠粉 me&a piece of C.C.F.
看!加里和甜酱的鸳鸯猪肠粉 see!curry mix sweet sos become Love Duck C.C.F
我和鸳鸯猪肠粉 me & Love Duck C.C.F

凯纹厨房 - 老妈子沙爹肉 Keven's Kitchen - Mum's Satay Meat

大罐皇帽啤酒 (是冰桶) Largest Carlsberg Beer (Ice Box)
再拍一张!re-take again
"...快看我炒沙爹!...喝!喝!哈!唏!..." (取自周董 - 双节棍) fried...
"沙爹 炒炒 一直炒啊 炒..." (取自 王心凌 - 睫眉湾湾) fried...fried...
我一直炒,再一直炒... (取自 蔡依琳 - 挣一只眼,闭一只眼) fried...fried...fried...
炒沙爹肉成功! fried satay meat done...!!!

看!一连串半肥瘦肉 (已掖) see! a "bunch" of meat (Spiced)
已准备好可以下厨咯! i'm ready to cook...
黄姜粉,满手是 yellow ginger powder cover my hand...
沙爹肉啊!准备下锅!dear satay meat,ready to fried...
看我怎么炒!(唱容祖儿的歌) see me fried (Fly) i love to fried (Fly) the meat (Up High)...

自制晚餐 - 凯纹厨房的闪亮太阳花 own made dinner - kevenloo's kitchen de blink-blink sun flower

漂亮吧?让凯纹教您怎么做...(很简单的!) beautiful rite? let kevenloo show you how to made it...

短热狗 切半 (小心的斜切), 然后切痕 ( 别切短哦), 然后拿去油炸! 煎粒"日出"煎蛋, 和将蕃茄切成八部 (也要小心切,别压扁它) short sausage (hotdog) make a horizontal cut, slide it to form some strip (beware dont cut off), cook a “Sunrise" egg, and cut the tomato (dont press the tomato too hard)...

我的某日午餐-麦当劳特大套餐 one of my lunch at McDonalds Value Meals Large Set

我和我的快餐 me&my fast food...
看看我有什么吃?薯条,麦香鸡和可乐!let see what i got...French Fries, Mc Chicken & Coke...
开动前夕... before eating...
开动了!feeding time...ha...

产品试吃 (白老鼠) product testing (labotory mouse)

"慧眼露" good for eye juice
我要喝咯!i am going to drink it liao...
啊!红枣味很重! ah...red dates smell ...
看!我喝完了!see!i drink all liao...