Tuesday, May 29, 2007

自制晚餐 - 凯纹厨房的闪亮太阳花 own made dinner - kevenloo's kitchen de blink-blink sun flower

漂亮吧?让凯纹教您怎么做...(很简单的!) beautiful rite? let kevenloo show you how to made it...

短热狗 切半 (小心的斜切), 然后切痕 ( 别切短哦), 然后拿去油炸! 煎粒"日出"煎蛋, 和将蕃茄切成八部 (也要小心切,别压扁它) short sausage (hotdog) make a horizontal cut, slide it to form some strip (beware dont cut off), cook a “Sunrise" egg, and cut the tomato (dont press the tomato too hard)...

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