Tuesday, December 11, 2007

二哥所收藏的变形金刚... Thomas collection of Transformer...

在家巧遇二哥的变形金钢... meet Thomas Transformer at home...
杰士 jazz
杰士变宝士跑车 jazz transform sportcar...

好人救伤车 good guys ambulance
跟戏里不同... diffrent in movie...
坏蛋直升机... bad guy helicopter...
记得那个在兵营大屠杀的家伙吗? remember the attack at the army base?

美嘉坏蛋王 megatron...
变成外星人飞船... transform to alien space ship... 小时记得是变枪的... still remember this bad guy transform to GUN when i was young...
好人王 奥地蔓 good guy optimus prime...
我小时候的变形金钢... i also got one when i was young...

黄蜂仔... bumpberbee... last time i use to call it "bubble B"...
不在变甲虫车了... not transform to W.Wagon Beetle car already...
原来这坏蛋叫 “星星叫喊”... this bad guy call "Star Scream"...
飞机还好... jet look still ok...

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